
I love breakfast food, but I am not a morning person! At least once a month we do “breakfast for dinner” at our house or we often enjoy a Saturday brunch at our favorite Greek omelet place down the road. But I can’t remember the last time I actually woke up early to cook a meal. Especially as a new mom, a few extra minutes of sleep often take priority over preparing a well-balanced, hot breakfast for myself. Most mornings I alternate bites of a granola bar and an apple while breastfeeding or doing my hair in the bathroom. Yeah, judge me. I eat in the bathroom.

These egg muffins are so easy and are a heartier grab-and-go option for both me and my husband! My friend, Lindsey, turned me onto the idea because with two little boys under the age of two and a husband who works long days as a teacher and coach, she needs easy breakfast solutions, too. (Thanks, Lindsey!)

This recipe requires a little prep, but then you’ll have the egg muffins on stand-by for those busy mornings.

Like most things I enjoy cooking, there really aren’t many rules. You can fill these muffins with whatever you have on hand or plan ahead and buy a few of your favorite breakfast items at the store. Last night, I happened to make mine using red peppers and onions that I was cooking for a pasta dish. I just sautéed a few extra, so it didn’t require any extra prep! I also added shredded mozzarella cheese. A few other favorite ingredients: ham, turkey sausage, bacon, spinach, or feta cheese! But I’ve also thought about a Southwest style with black beans, jalapeños and tomatoes. Wouldn’t that be delicious? Really, you can just go crazy.

You’ll need:

  • Muffin pan (non-stick or lightly coat with cooking oil)
  • Small bowl & fork
  • Eggs (1 egg = 1 muffin)
  • Milk
  • Salt & pepper
  • Your favorite ingredients!


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. While your oven is warming up, begin cooking your meats or chopping and sautéing your veggies. Then, set aside.

In a small bowl, crack one egg, add a splash of milk and your preferred amount of salt & pepper. Whisk with a fork and then pour into the muffin cup – it should be about 3/4 full. Do this for as many egg muffins as your heart desires!

Sprinkle in the pre-cooked ingredients! Bake for approximately 20 minutes. You’ll know the eggs are done if you insert a knife into the center and it comes out clean.

The great thing about these egg muffins is they re-heat beautifully! Just put them in the microwave for 60 seconds. You can store them in the refrigerator for a day or two. Or if you plan to eat them later in the week, you can freeze them two at a time in ziplock bags so they are easy to take to work or throw on a plate before you leave the house.

Now there’s no excuse for skipping breakfast or eating a measly granola bar every morning. Enjoy!

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